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中文摘要: 以药食同源物质沙苑子为原料,基于Osborne 法对沙苑子组分蛋白进行分离提取,采用单因素分析对沙苑子蛋白质组分的提取工艺参数进行优化,通过十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,SDS-PAGE)对沙苑子组分蛋白进行亚基分析,并对各组分蛋白体外抗氧化活性进行比较分析。结果表明,沙苑子清蛋白最佳提取温度为45 ℃,球蛋白最佳提取盐(NaCl)浓度为6%,醇溶蛋白最佳提取醇浓度为70%,谷蛋白最佳提取碱浓度为0.15 mol/L。SDS-PAGE 结果表明,不同提取条件不仅会影响蛋白提取率,同时也会影响蛋白组分的亚基组成。DPPH 自由基、ABTS+自由基清除试验结果表明,沙苑子4 种组分蛋白均具有一定的自由基清除能力,其中沙苑子谷蛋白的自由基清除能力最优。
中文关键词: 沙苑子 蛋白质 Osborne 分类法 十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳 抗氧化
Abstract:The medicinal and edible homologous substance Astragalus complanati semen was used as raw material to isolate and extract its protein components based on the Osborne method.The extraction process parameters were optimized by single factor analysis. The subunits of semen Astragalus complanati component proteins were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE),and the antioxidant activity of each component protein was compared in vitro. The results showed that the optimum temperature for albumin extraction was 45 ℃,the optimum salt concentration(NaCl)for globulin extraction was 6%,the optimum ethanol concentration for gliadin extraction was 70%,and the optimum alkali concentration for glutenin extraction was 0.15 mol/L. The results of SDS-PAGE showed that different extraction conditions not only affected the protein extraction rate but also affected the subunit composition of protein components.The results of DPPH and ABTS+free radical scavenging tests showed that the four proteins of semen Astragalus complanati had certain free radical scavenging ability,and the free radical scavenging ability of Astragalus complanati semen glutenin was the best.
keywords: Astragali complanati semen protein Osborne classification sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) antioxidant
文章编号:202423012 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
基金项目:吉林省科技发展计划项目(YDZJ202301ZYTS114);吉林省卫生健康科技能力提升项目(2022JC036);吉林省教育厅科学技术研究项目(JJKH20230989KJ);2023 年长春中医药大学大学生创新创业训练计划支持项目(202210199043)
作者 | 单位 |
李佳1,曹国世1,赵彧1,蒋子通1,蔡铁全2,张红印1,3*,严铭铭2,3* | 1.长春中医药大学,吉林 长春 130117;2.国家市场监督管理总局食品审评中心,北京 100070;3.吉林省中药保健食品科技创新中心,吉林 长春 130117 |