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中文摘要: 白羽鸡肉的保鲜在销售运输过程中一直是一个关键问题,因此需要寻找一种高效的非热保鲜手段延长其保质期。该文研究介质阻挡放电低温等离子体(dielectric barier discharge ,DBD)、低温等离子体活化水(plasma-activated water,PAW)及其联合处理3 种方式对白羽鸡胸肉的保鲜效果。结果表明,对照组菌落总数[6.02 lg(CFU/g)]在第5 天已超过腐败标准[6 lg(CFU/g)],而其他处理组则在第7 天才开始腐败;此外,与对照组相比,DBD、PAW 以及二者联合处理均能够延缓白羽鸡胸肉pH 值和挥发性盐基氮(total volatile base nitrogen,TVB-N)值的上升,降低大肠杆菌菌落总数。在不影响白羽鸡胸肉感官品质的基础上,DBD、PAW 以及二者联合处理均能保持肉品的色泽。综上所述,DBD、PAW 及两者联合处理对鸡胸肉的杀菌保鲜具有重要作用。
Abstract:The preservation of white feather chicken during sales and transportation has always been a key issue,making it necessary to find an efficient non-thermal preservation method to extend its shelf life. This study investigated the preservation effects of dielectric-barrier discharge(DBD),low-temperature plasma-activated water(PAW),and their combined treatment on white feather chicken breast. The results showed that the total colony count in the control group [6.02 lg(CFU/g)] exceeded the spoilage threshold [6 lg(CFU/g)] by day 5,while in all treatment groups,spoilage began on day 7.Additionally,compared with the control group,DBD,PAW,and their combined treatment delayed the increase in pH and total volatile base nitrogen(TVB-N)values in white feather chicken breast and reduced the number of Escherichia coli. Finally,without affecting the sensory quality of the chicken breast,DBD,PAW,and their combined treatment preserved the color of the meat to the greatest extent. In conclusion,DBD,PAW,and their combined treatment played a significant role in the sterilization and preservation of chicken breast.
keywords: low-temperature plasma non-thermal sterilization chicken breast total plate count preservation
文章编号:202423013 中图分类号: 文献标志码: