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中文摘要: 该文基于反式乌头酸还原高锰酸钾并使其褪色,建立以高锰酸钾为底物,分光光度计快速测定反式乌头酸含量的方法。该检测方法最佳检测波长410 nm,高锰酸钾最佳反应浓度为2.0 g/L,反应体积2.0 mL,反式乌头酸样品1 mL,在温度35 ℃、反应时间8 min 时终止。反式乌头酸浓度在0.35~0.53 g/L 范围内,吸光度与其浓度呈现线性关系。该方法测定反式乌头酸含量,相关系数R2 为0.997 6,回收率为98%~102%,是一种可快速检测发酵液中反式乌头酸含量的可靠、便捷的方法。
Abstract:Trans-aconitic acid can reduce potassium permanganate and lead to color fading. On this basis,a method for the rapid determination of trans-aconitic acid concentration was established based on spectrophotometry. The optimal conditions of this method were detection wavelength of 410 nm,potassium permanganate of 2.0 g/L,reaction system of 2.0 mL,trans-aconitic acid sample of 1 mL,and reaction at 35 ℃for 8 min.The absorbance showed a linear relationship with the concentration of trans-aconitic acid within the range of 0.35-0.53 g/L.The R2 was 0.997 6 and the recovery was between 98% and 102%.Indicating that the method can be used to determine the concentration of trans-aconitic acid in the fermentation broth.
keywords: trans-aconitic acid potassium permanganate spectrophotometry redox reaction rapid determination
文章编号:202423023 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(32201964);江苏省高等学校基础科学(自然科学)面上项目(21KJB550003);2021 年度连云港市第六期“521 工程”科研项目(LYG06521202107)