基于GA-BP 神经网络优化北五味子籽油微胶囊制备工艺
(黑龙江工业学院资源工程学院,黑龙江 鸡西 158100)
Study on the Preparation and Properties of Schisandra chinensis Seed Oil Microcapsules Based on GA-BP Neural Network
(Department of resource engineering,Heilongjiang University of Technology,Jixi 158100,Helongjiang,China)
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中文摘要: 该研究以北五味子籽油微胶囊包埋率为指标,在单因素试验基础上设计Box-Behnken 响应面试验,以响应面试验数据为基础构建反向传播(back propagation,BP)人工神经网络模型,并以遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)优化喷雾干燥法制备北五味子籽油微胶囊的工艺条件。结果表明,以吐温-80、十聚甘油单硬脂酸酯和少量95%乙醇为乳化剂制备北五味子籽油,经BP 训练和遗传算法迭代52 寻优后,预测得出北五味子籽油微胶囊制备最优工艺为大豆分离蛋白与麦糊精质量比1.441 0∶1、壁材与北五味子籽油质量比为2.168 2∶1、进风口温度161.786 7 ℃、进料泵速18.448 8 mL/min,最大包埋率97.57%。在预测条件下,将工艺参数调整为大豆分离蛋白与麦糊精质量比1.44∶1、壁材与北五味子籽油质量比为2.17∶1、进风口温度162 ℃、进料泵速18.4 mL/min,此时微胶囊包埋率为94.87%、水分含量2.12%、溶解度93.6%、堆密度0.296 g/cm3,密封避光储存6 个月包埋率仍高于75%,且微胶囊过氧化值远低于未经任何处理的北五味子籽油。该研究构建的BP 模型具有较小误差和精确预测性能,所制微胶囊性质稳定,对五味子籽油包埋和保护效果较好。
Abstract:In this research,the encapsulation efficiency of Schisandra chinensis seed oil microcapsules was chosen as the focal parameter.A Box-Behnken response surface experiment was designed based on single-factor experiments.With the data obtained in the response surface experiment,a back propagation(BP)artificial neural network model was developed,and the process conditions to prepare the microcapsules by spray drying were optimized using a genetic algorithm(GA). The findings indicated that in the case of using Tween-80,decaglycerol monostearate,and a small quantity of 95% ethanol as emulsifiers to prepare Schisandra chinensis seed oil,the optimal conditions for preparing the microcapsules were predicted as follows after BP training and 52 iterations of optimization through the genetic algorithm:mass ratio of soybean protein isolate to maltodextrin:1.441 0∶1;mass ratio of wall material to seed oil:2.168 2∶1;inlet air temperature:161.786 7 ℃;feed pump rate:18.448 8 mL/min,with a maximum encapsulation efficiency of 97.57% achieved. Under the approximate optimized conditions(mass ratio of soybean protein isolate to maltodextrin to be 1.44∶1,mass ratio of wall material to seed oil to be 2.17∶1,inlet air temperature of 162 ℃,and feed pump rate of 18.4 mL/min),the actual encapsulation efficiency recorded was 94.87% with moisture content of 2.12%,solubility of 93.6%,and a bulk density of 0.296 g/cm3. In addition,the encapsulation efficiency was maintained above 75% after six months of storage under sealed and light-protected conditions.The peroxide value of the microcapsules was considerably lower than that of the untreated Schisandra chinensis seed oil. It is concluded that the BP model developed in this study displayed small errors and reliable predictive capability. The produced microcapsules were stable and offered effective encapsulation and protection for Schisandra chinensis seed oil.
文章编号:202423016     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
基金项目:黑龙江省2023 年大学生创新创业训练计划项目(202311445018S)

