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中文摘要: 为探究低温贮藏过程中冷害对不同品种哈密瓜果实活性氧代谢的影响,选用“西州密25 号”和“伽师瓜”两种哈密瓜作为研究材料。将哈密瓜存放在温度(3.0±0.5)℃的冷库中,每7 d 进行一次取样,共取样6 次,试验周期为42 d。试验期间,记录两种哈密瓜在贮藏期间的冷害症状,并测定冷害指数以及活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)代谢的相关指标。结果表明,“伽师瓜”的冷害症状明显轻于“西州密25 号”,在采后贮藏过程中,两个品种哈密瓜果实细胞膜透性及丙二醛(malondialdehyde,MDA)含量升高,脂肪酸去饱和酶(fatty acid desaturase,FADs)活性持续下降,表明细胞膜受损。O2-·生成速率和H2O2 含量均有上升趋势,并且耐冷性较差的“西州密25 号”生成的活性氧要多于耐冷性较好的“伽师瓜”。两个品种哈密瓜果实过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活性、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(ascorbate peroxidase,APX)活性均呈现先升高后降低的趋势,过氧化物酶(peroxidase,POD)活性、超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)活性在整个贮藏期内有所下降,同时抗坏血酸-谷胱甘肽(ascorbic acid-glutathione,ASA-GSH)循环里的还原型谷胱甘肽(reduced glutathione,GSH)含量及谷胱甘肽还原酶(glutathione reductase,GR)活性显著提高,“伽师瓜”以上指标均高于“西州密25 号”。哈密瓜果实在发生冷害后细胞膜会遭到破坏,从而导致相关抗氧化物酶活性降低,活性氧相关指标上升,耐冷性好的品种抗氧化能力较强,活性氧生成速率较慢。
Abstract:In order to investigate the effect of chilling injury on the reactive oxygen metabolism of different varieties of Hami melon fruits during low-temperature storage,two types of Hami melon fruits ,“Xizhoumi 25” and “Jiashi Gua”,were selected as research materials.The two varieties of Hami melon fruits were stored in a cold room at a temperature of(3.0±0.5)℃,and the samples were taken every 7 d for 6 times,and the whole experimental period was 42 d . During the experimental period,the symptoms of the two varieties of Hami melon fruits were recorded,and the index of the chilling injury and the metabolism of reactive oxygen species(ROS)were measured. The results showed that chilling injury symptoms of “Jiashi Gua” were significantly lighter than those of “Xizhoumi 25”. During the postharvest low-temperature storage,the cell membrane permeability and malondialdehyde(MDA)content of both varieties increased,while the activity of fatty acid desaturase(FADs)continuously decreased,indicating cell membrane injury.The O2-·production rate and H2O2 content both showed an upward trend,and “Xizhoumi 25”,which had poorer cold tolerance,generated more ROS than “Jiashi Gua”,which had better cold tolerance. The activities of related antioxidant enzymes in both varieties of Hami melon,including catalase(CAT)and ascorbate peroxidase(APX)activity,showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. The activities of peroxidase(POD)and superoxide dismutase(SOD)decreased throughout the whole storage period. Meanwhile,the content of reduced glutathione(GSH)content and the activity of glutathione reductase(GR)in the Halliwell-Asada cycle significantly increased,with levels of the above indexes in “Jiashi Gua” being higher than those in “Xizhoumi 25”. The cell membrane of Hami melon fruit gets injured after the occurrence of chilling injury,leading to a decrease in antioxidant enzyme activity and an increase in ROS-related indexes. The better cold tolerance varieties had stronger antioxidant capacity and slower ROS production rates.
keywords: Hami melon chilling injury cold tolerance active oxygen metabolism low-temperature storage
文章编号:202423004 中图分类号: 文献标志码: