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中文摘要: 禾谷镰刀菌是导致小麦赤霉病的主要致病菌,为深入了解其生长过程中对小麦品质的影响,以禾谷镰刀菌对小麦籽粒进行浸染,结合代谢组学分析小麦在受到侵染过程中生理代谢途径及相关代谢产物的变化。研究结果表明:被禾谷镰刀菌侵染后的小麦籽粒中共检测到161 种显著上调代谢物和107 种显著下调代谢物,主要包括脂质和类脂分子、有机酸及其衍生物、苯丙烷和聚酮等。经注释富集分析,差异代谢物主要参与亚油酸代谢、乙醛酸和二羧酸代谢、丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢、甘氨酸、丝氨酸和苏氨酸代谢、淀粉和蔗糖代谢等代谢途径。禾谷镰刀菌在侵染小麦时影响小麦正常的代谢途径,从而影响小麦营养物质的积累,最终导致小麦品质的劣变。
Abstract:Fusarium graminearum is the major pathogen causing wheat scab.The metabolic pathways and metabolites of wheat grains infected with F. graminearum were analyzed by metabolomics to reveal the effect of this pathogen on wheat quality.The results showed that a total of 161 significantly upregulated metabolites and 107 significantly downregulated metabolites were detected in the wheat grains infected by F. graminearum,mainly including lipids and lipoids,organic acids and their derivatives,phenylpropane,and polyketones. The enrichment analysis showed that the differential metabolites were mainly involved in linoleic acid metabolism,glyoxylic acid and dicarboxylic acid metabolism,alanine,aspartic acid and glutamate metabolism,glycine,serine and threonine metabolism,and starch and sucrose metabolism. F. graminearum affects the normal metabolic pathway and the accumulation of nutrients in wheat,ultimately leading to the quality deterioration of wheat.
keywords: wheat Fusarium graminearum metabolomics quality mildew
文章编号:202418004 中图分类号: 文献标志码: