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中文摘要: 代谢综合征(metabolic syndrome,MetS)是代谢系统疾病中一组慢性进行性疾病,其发生与发展过程涉及多种代谢因子和信号网络。可食用的天然植物成分由于其安全性和良好的耐受性,被广泛应用于代谢性疾病的预防和控制。茶黄素作为茶叶中天然成分,具有多种生理活性,已有较多研究表明其食用价值。综述近年来茶黄素在预防和缓解代谢综合征中应用的研究结果,并总结其主要的作用机制,以期为茶黄素在代谢综合征相关疾病中更进一步的应用提供理论支撑。
Abstract:Metabolic syndrome(MetS)is a group of chronic progressive diseases within the metabolic system,involving various metabolic factors and signaling networks in its occurrence and development. Edible natural plant ingredients,due to their safety and good tolerability,are widely used in the prevention and control of metabolic diseases. Theaflavins as natural components in tea,possess various physiological activities,and numerous studies have demonstrated their nutritional value. This review summarized the research findings on the application of theaflavins in the prevention and alleviation of MetS in recent years,and summarized their main mechanisms of action,aiming to provide theoretical support for further applications of theaflavins in diseases related to MetS.
keywords: metabolic syndrome microcirculation microcirculation disorders theaflavins signaling pathway
文章编号:202410029 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
张晨1,陈晓晶1,刘琨毅2,毕煜辰1,徐紫芸1,方崇业1* | 1.云南农业大学茶学院,食品科学技术学院,云南昆明 650201;2.宜宾职业技术学院五粮液技术与食品工程学院,四川宜宾 644100 |