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中文摘要: 以牛背最长肌为原料,分别采用空气包装(air-packaging,AP),真空包装(vacuum packaging,VP)和气调包装 (modified atmosphere packaging,MAP),其中 MAP 又包括两种气体比例:MAP1 为高氧气调包装(78.8 % O2、18.8 % CO2 和2.4 % N2),MAP2 为无氧气调包装(60 % CO2 和 40 % N2),将 4 种包装的牛肉在冰温(-1.5 ℃)和低温(2 ℃)条件下贮藏,研 究贮藏过程中牛肉微生物(菌落总数及嗜冷菌)及 8 种生物胺的生成情况,并分析微生物与生物胺形成之间的相关性。 结果表明:4 种包装形式的牛肉在两种贮藏温度下,其菌落总数与嗜冷菌数均呈上升趋势, AP 组贮藏 10 d 时,牛肉的菌 落总数及嗜冷菌数均超过 6.00 lgcfu/g,而 VP 和 MAP 却能较好地抑制微生物的生长繁殖。不同贮藏组中生物胺总量均 随贮藏时间的延长而增加,腐胺是主要的生物胺,其次是尸胺和酪胺,色胺、苯乙胺及组胺均未检出。冰温贮藏可以显著 抑制微生物生长及腐胺、尸胺和酪胺的生成。相关性分析表明,腐胺、尸胺及生物胺总量与微生物生长存在显著正相关, 特别是腐胺及生物胺总量与菌落总数及嗜冷菌数的相关性达到极显著水平(P<0.01),因此可作为判定牛肉品质的标准 之一。
Abstract:This study took beef longissimus dorsi as material, dealing with air-packaging(AP), vacuum pack- aging(VP) and modified atmosphere packaging(MAP), in which the MAP were divided into two forms: MAP1 for high oxygen packaging(78.8 %O2/18.8 %CO2/2.4 %N2) and MAP2 for no oxygen packaging(60 %CO2/40 % N2). They were stored at -1.5 ℃ and 2 ℃ separately for retaining freshness, the index of microorganisms(total visible counts and psychrophilic counts) and biogenic amine were studied and the correlation between microbial and biogenic amine formation were analyzed.The result showed that the total visible counts and psychrophilic counts increased in all samples with different packaging forms and storage temperature. AP group in 10 days, the total visible counts and psychrophilic counts were more than 6.00 lgcfu/g, but VP and MAP could inhibit the growth of microorganisms.A high-performance liquid chromatographic hyphenated was developed for deter- mination of eight kinds of biogenic amines(tryptamine, phenylethylamine, putrescine, cadaverine, histamine, tyramine, spermidine, spermine) in four kinds of packaging forms of beef during storage. The results showed that the amount of biogenic amines in different treatment group increased during storage, putrescine were the main biogenic amine, cadaverine and tyramine followed, typtamine, phenethylamine and hisamine were not checked out. There was a significant positive correlation between formation of biogenic amine and the growth of microorganism through the correlation analysis. Among them, the putrescine and total biogenic amine could be used for the deterioration index of beef because there was a significant level (P<0.01).
文章编号:201710041 中图分类号: 文献标志码:A
基金项目:山西省科技攻关项目“山西特色食品生产与安全控制技术体系技术研究-山西肉牛屠宰加工质量安全控制技术的研究” (20130313028-2)